Councillor: Gilles Chagnon
Message to Residents about mandate so far:
“This year, we celebrated 175 years of Aylmer’s incorporation at the British Hotel, under the leadership of Michel Raymond, an event that reminded us of the rich history of Aylmer in the Outaouais!” said Chagnon.
“Accessible services that are close to residents are important to me,” said the Lucerne councillor, highlighting some of the successful projects this year, such as the opening of the Broad Street Bike and Multi-Functional Trail, the addition of an outdoor rink in Renard Park, the opening of a drop-off point for old electronic products at the Knights of Columbus of Aylmer and adding a day to the mobile Ecocentre.
“This is in addition to several other projects, such as the rehabilitation of part of Broad Street, the installation of two quick-flashing rectangular lights (FRCR) on a pedestrian crossing on Wilfrid-Lavigne, near the Initial, and the addition of a pedestrian crossing near the Vieux-Verger school,” he said. “For Gatineau as a whole, investments have increased for infrastructure and infrastructure projects were replanned for the next 10 years.”
Message to Residents about plans for 2023:
“I will continue to represent you so that Aylmer gets its fair share of municipal infrastructure. Our sector is experiencing the largest construction boom for the City of Gatineau in years. I will always monitor our urban plan and oppose any changes that would further intensify our area than what was planned by the city council,” said Chagnon, stating that he will defend the creation of the Western Ecocentre, the Sports Complex, as well as public transit.
Within the Lucerne district, he noted that he would closely follow the improvements to Jardins Lavigne Park, which include adding a pickleball field, road safety and local service, and support partnerships with the school board.
“In terms of larger city projects, I am very pleased with the change in the payment of municipal taxes: four payments instead of two, in order to help our families with the payments. We will also focus on major projects such as the construction of the new police headquarters and our environmental interventions,” said Chagnon. “Together, we can do much for our community.”