Aylmer Village Association gather for summer celebration
Bianca Baldo
With fall around the corner, members of the Association des résidents du Village d'Aylmer (ARVA) came together to eat good food, jump on a bouncy castle, connect with each other, and discuss issues that are important to them in the neighborhood. Municipal councilor, Steven Boivin, also provided an opportunity for members to ask questions and highlight their concerns. The annual ARVA summer celebration was held on Saturday, September 09, 2023, at 101 Symmes Street (Christ Church) to meet the new ARVA board and share their preoccupation about protecting the old trees in Aylmer and the safety of the crosswalk and circulation speed limits on Principal Street. The season for hanging out outside isn't over quite yet, ARVA is organizing a pumpkin carving contest for kids and adults alike around Halloween again this year.
If interested, have any questions, and are located within the territory of our association, please contact arvaylmer@gmail.com to be added to our contact list.